Verified Two Way Audio &
Video Surveillance
If you think the Police are going to prevent a crime from occurring, think again. The police are a reactive force. They show up after the event has occurred. There is nothing they can do to stop it. The bottom line is that Business Owner/Managers, School Staff, Church Leaders and those responsible will lose countless hours of sleep worrying about their safety and security and in today’s world they should. With our Proactive Force Watch Verified Audio and Video Surveillance System you can get the peace of mind you deserve and can rest assured that you will be amazed with our ability to proactively monitor your system from anywhere in the world. According to a U.S. Department of Justice study, approximately 94 to 98 percent of all alarm activations that police respond to are false. Our verified response system helps solve this by verifying alarms through our audio monitoring services, live operator electronic video surveillance and two call verification.
This U.S. Department of Justice study shows police were able to reduce their dispatch rate by 72 percent, and that burglary rates declined, in the majority of jurisdictions, were verified response was offered to customers. As of January 2006, 27 cities have adopted verified response as the preferred security method, for customers looking to secure a premise, because it allows police officers to pursue higher priority duties, and respond more quickly to verified alarms.
Our Emergency Communications Centers are 5 Diamond Certified, Underwriters Laboratory listed for Burglary and Fire Protective Signaling; #UUFX S2630. UL has imposed stringent standards because it understands the obligation of security monitoring. Our Centers have triple redundant power, and telecommunication backup technologies, protecting you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, supporting the most vital aspects of your business, so you can rest assured that you’re protected. Verified Response Communication and real time Video Monitoring capabilities provide the ability to hear and see what is going on from within your business. This technology allows you to be able to speak to our live Emergency Communications Dispatcher, from anywhere within your business. Combined with our remote video monitoring, you get a robust variety of solutions, that improve your business’ safety and security, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve, so you can manage your business more effectively. Our remote monitoring allows Force Security’s trained Specialists to observe employee activity, and monitor customer actions, from a remote location, assuring the proper and fastest response, in case of an emergency, from the proper authorities.